A short post with some articles and podcasts I enjoyed this week. Hope you do too. Cheers!
- Afford Anything (Episode 236) – The FIRE movement continues to gain popularity as a topic to enjoy, detest, or debate. The Afford Anything podcast and host Paula Pant are generally enjoyable and I really liked this episode. A pair of early retirees, now more than 3 years into “retirement” and with an immigrant background from little money. Well worth a listen and the guests have some non-typical ideas about how to structure investments for early retirees.
- Animal Spirits (Episode 120) – Not picking this particular episode over another, but wanted to give a shout out to this podcast. Really enjoy the host banter and these episodes are enjoyable, smart, and bring in a variety of articles and surveys with funny input.
- “Globally, roads are deadlier than HIV or murder” , The Economist – I’m an advocate for bike infrastructure and generally safer, more enjoyable places to live. It’s sad that the US lacks nearly every peer country (on wealth basis) in fatalities per capita. This is a good, short read about the body count from our car culture globally with an interesting breakdown between countries on country economic status lines.

I hope you will be rooting for the Chiefs of Kansas City in the Super Bowl as Mac Lethal surely is.