I’m sending out a couple of recent reads today – Set for Life by Scott Trench is heading to Wichita, KS and Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is heading to La Mesa, CA.
I enjoyed both of these books though the topics are quite different – one is self-help / financial advice and the other is sci-fi / adventure. Set For Life is the former and I greatly enjoyed the first half of this read, although there were mis-spellings and edit errors throughout the book. It’s mostly about building wealth through real estate and geared toward younger people looking to purchase their first property. Great advice regarding cutting housing costs (the biggest monthly cost for most Americans) and building wealth by starting with a multi-unit or roommate and growing from there.
Ready Player One will soon be a movie and I had a birthday gift card to Barnes and Noble so I bought it on a whim. I grew up in the 80s and 90s and would seem to be the target market for this sci-fi fantasy set in the mid 21st century but fixated on 70s – 90s geek pop culture. Lots of music, movie, TV, and video game references from that era and the entire plot surrounds a huge video game contest. If you’re into those sort of things you might like – if not, most of the references will probably be lost.
I’m sending out these books as part of my “Sharebook” campaign – my personal project to send out books I’ve enjoyed and start a number of book chains to continue them being passed after I first ship them.
If you’re interested in receiving a book you can request one via this simple form. Takes 30 seconds and you’ll get a free book sometime in the future.